Mindfulness for Caregivers - Rachel's Story - CWC Program Director Rachel Rosen Simpson
My mother-in-law was diagnosed with cancer in October of 2019. Unfortunately, the cancer spread rapidly before she could even start treatment and her health deteriorated very quickly. Caring for someone you love who is suffering knowing that you are mostly powerless to help is heartbreaking and extremely stressful. Luckily, I had already been practicing mindfulness strategies, which helped me feel grounded and present for even the shortest fleeting moments of joy amidst the daily caretaking grind. It is partially as a result of my personal experience with the benefits of a mindfulness practice for a caregiver, that CWC is offering a free Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)course for both caregivers and for cancer patients. I would strongly recommend participating. I promise it will help ALL participants to cope better with the uncertainties and struggles of each individual’s cancer journey.
Fighting Inflammation with Food Sweet Pea Plant-Based Kitchen, Jen Nguyen, RDN, CDN, NASM-CPT/span>
One of the most supported methods for reducing inflammation comes from the food we put into our bodies. Research has shown phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals derived from whole, unprocessed foods can have powerful anti-inflammatory effects on the body. Join us for a virtual cooking demo and nutrition session led by one of Sweet Pea’s Registered Dietitians on May 23rd at 6 PM. During the session, we’ll show you how to incorporate quick meal options that are rich in nutrients to help you feel an increase in energy levels and fight inflammation.
Sweet Pea is a whole food, plant-based meal delivery and nutrition coaching service based in Rochester, New York. They offer a variety of convenient and delicious meal options, prepared by a classically French-trained Chef, along with 1-on-1 nutrition coaching services with Registered Dietitians and other nutrition experts.
Rising Incidence of Uterine Cancer
Dr. Cynthia Angel notes a disturbing trend. “Since I began my practice, the incidence of Uterine/Endometrial Cancer has doubled”. In fact, according to Globocon 2020, Uterine cancer is now the most common Gynecologic Cancer in North America. Unlike other trends in cancer, the incidence of death has increased. Awareness is key: currently there are no screening tests, therefore knowing the symptoms is critical. According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, “Uterine cancer may cause vaginal discharge or bleeding that is not normal for you. Uterine cancer may also cause other symptoms, such as pain or pressure in your pelvis”. Although the risk for Uterine Cancer increases with age, it can still occur in pre-menopausal women. So pay attention to your body: if something doesn’t feel right, check with your Health Care Provider. And share this important information with the women in your life!
Registration is now open for the 16th Annual Gynecologic Cancers 5k on September 9, 2023. Want your Team Name on the Official Race T-Shirt? Find out how by going to the Registration Page.
Can’t wait for the Sweet Pea Cooking Demo? Check out this Pasta Puttanesca recipe from Sweet Pea that is not only delicious, but nutritious!
Our featured book is: Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt
Book Club Moderator offers this question to mull over as you read the book: Has a relationship with an animal ever helped you through a hard time in your life?